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Wednesday 29 April 2020

social services children adult services and NHS criminal corruption and fraud . Simayedwa Moyo Essex national health trust. Mrs Dorcas Moyo, social worker and nurse salford and lsle of Man, company on of many. Dorcas Londres Dartford kent, ID fraud. Ms Moyo simayedwa Moyo, leeds nhs nurse, now Mrs Simayedwa Moyo ? Lloyd Moyo nurse connects. Victir Moyo, many of them so you dont know who is who in companies house, social workers connects to Dorcas Moyo, Sale cheshire, manchester. Look up companies house with the name Simayedwa Moyo and his and hers many care health companies , the takers out of the nhs system money, they dont put in saving people. Salford, to hampshire, to lambeth to merton to sutton, to swansea to Scotland to northern ireland the corrution stinks to high heaven, with corrupt social workers, even sex abuse of children they are guilty of. Lie's and Liars stems from local councillors to House of commons. Equity profit from stolen UK children. Whos the investers??

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