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Friday 15 October 2021

Fight back time against lies of social services

social services and their lies. how many of you been lied about join me fight back time

Tuesday 14 July 2020

Forced addoption fight back. Stop now council corruption.

Many social services victims. Victims of lies told against them. Family courts no justice. Stolen babies stolen children many, abused children by social services carers. VIOLENCE by the police used against certain good parent victims. Fake bogus workers used from abroad to help steal children. Fraud that no authorities take notice of. The Police fail many victims not investigating with a true heart ,siding with rogue criminal acts of social workers. Broken hearts children in care, there are many. Companies house setting up a child agency no checks any name cane be used. Uk fraud and corruption has to stop, including the NHS many mental health nurses i discovered are bogus named, companies house reveals that fact in companies nurses set up.

Tuesday 30 June 2020

Alan brunwin

social services and their lies.

Wednesday 29 April 2020

social services children adult services and NHS criminal corruption and fraud . Simayedwa Moyo Essex national health trust. Mrs Dorcas Moyo, social worker and nurse salford and lsle of Man, company on of many. Dorcas Londres Dartford kent, ID fraud. Ms Moyo simayedwa Moyo, leeds nhs nurse, now Mrs Simayedwa Moyo ? Lloyd Moyo nurse connects. Victir Moyo, many of them so you dont know who is who in companies house, social workers connects to Dorcas Moyo, Sale cheshire, manchester. Look up companies house with the name Simayedwa Moyo and his and hers many care health companies , the takers out of the nhs system money, they dont put in saving people. Salford, to hampshire, to lambeth to merton to sutton, to swansea to Scotland to northern ireland the corrution stinks to high heaven, with corrupt social workers, even sex abuse of children they are guilty of. Lie's and Liars stems from local councillors to House of commons. Equity profit from stolen UK children. Whos the investers??

Saturday 29 February 2020

Sherifa Adenmusun sutton social worker, IRO now

social services and their lies. The london borough of sutton , sherifa Adenmusun head of adoption. Was also running her own private ltd company as well, called Gabaden ltd which had £94,239,00, pounds in company accounts. But now its come to light shes a lac, iro for sutton. Have a read of her blog. A day in the life of an independant reviewing officer, she seems to have wrote on her way to Wales children main aim again. She also pubished names of children up for adoption, saying residents of Sutton and Croydon need not apply, ie local children that were take into the corrupted sutton care system.

Monday 17 February 2020

Whistle blow on social services

social services and their lies. There is a pattern what goes on in the uk to all of this that results in children being stolen by first of local authority councils. Labour councils uk wide do the dirty work using any form of a social worker they can use, once a child or children are stolen, the Conservi bussiness world of directors take over with their hundreds of child care agencies making themselves multi millionairs. Pugh. Gwatidzo. Angeli. Ahmeds. Ahmads. Child Charities to many to mention. Use the word child and many thickos hand over money without looking first who the charity really is ie Death Aid Africa charity, just one of hundreds set up. Now Closed down. The fraudsters scammers in the property rent lease and child care bussiness many from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, few from Ghana and south africa, then there is Cyprus or Greace in on the child care act. France, Germany , found directors are multi millionairs out of the child stealing industry. Uk handing over its children to the bussiness world is evil. Only one x MP now has spoke up about children being stolen MP Hemmings a liberal democrat the only one, yet all MPs know whats going on, they remind me of that song., "Coward of the County" or rather Cowards of the many Counties. I will shortly name many companies i forbid every local authority not to do bussiness with owing to fraud and corruption attached to each one. NHS yes it includes this organization as well. Chemists to Nurses to Midwifes. Then there is bogus solicitors to be added, paints quite a big picture of whats UK really like.

London Borough of Sutton social workers connect with cafcass workers.

social media connections and names. first the london borough of sutton social workers and managers. connect with cafcass croydon family court workers. Social worker Averil Kathan , Richard Sammut, Suilman Mahdi, Suzy Mullany, Anna Macnmara Trusts foundation village aid?? school teacher. Croydon family courts. Barrister Paul Pavlou, Michele Chapman, Gilbert Chweneemang. Sabina Stolarz, Michael Taylor head of corporate service london borough of sutton. Darlington Gwatidzo is back on the scene. Croydon family court cafcass workers that connect with above. khalid Campbell service manager for cafcass, Emily Mitchell court guardian acting for london borough of Sutton at Croydon family courts. strong conections with Averil Kathan head of service and referrals. cafcass worker many connections with Sutton, Fiona Greenwood-mitchell. connections Ebony care childrens homes with cafcass service manager Khalil Campbell as well as FA Surrey. Evelyn foster care ltd he has to answer to his directorship while working for Cafcass at the same time.