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Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Named and shamed rouge social workers of the uk

Name and shame social workers that have done you harm. Darlington Gwatidzo,liar, frauster, worked for sutton council. Tendekia Chituwu , social worker from Zimbabwe liar from surrey and kent.millicent Obrou maiden name Oyanga from kenya , nasty evil child abuser social worker Social worker childrens excutive Richard Nash, been told he was sacked?? Dorcas Moyo social worker , london borough of sutton, fake ids used, Dorcas Londres her other name from kent. came to uk when Tony Blair opened uk boarders to anyone. Companies house, mrs dorcas moyo social worker nurse in sale manchester. The other dorcas moyo social worker living in kent same person , No names of hcpc. So lies again from Moyo's comiming into the uk. Mental health nurse Moyo surname, many lies and fales statments. Nhs it seems they know its an easy way with false papers into being a mental health nurse. The stealing of children uk wide is an epodemic . Lies seem to be a winner for childrens services. Bolton social worker who has carried out crimes against humanity against a good parent, she has stolen all her children and has had the mother jailed for speaking out. But its ok for her children to carry shotguns. The boy in blue?? Tolis the liar that has top job now childrens services. Alan Brunwin childrens author and corruption intp childrens services and nhs investigator.justice minister MP Gauke, three cheers hes going perhaps victims might get some justice now.